Jennifer Welsh

Resource Library — Finding Jobs & Doing Science Journalism

These resources are curated by myself in my free time. I’m providing them here for free because I like to help other freelancers find information and be successful.

If any of this is helpful to you in your freelance business or science writing, please consider buying me a coffee or some lunch with a donation through my Ko-Fi account.

Donations help me keep these resources free for everyone and let me spend more time curating them and making sure they’re updated and accurate.


If you're looking for a system to help you get organized with your assignments, invoicing, editors, and goal tracking, check out my Airtable system.

I created this myself for my freelance writing and editing business over several months of work and finesse. I have a whole guide on how to navigate it and get started.

Organize your workflow with my Airtable template >


Freelance Gig Newsletters:

Job Newsletters:

Facebook Groups:

Job Boards:

  • Lingofy — A site, chrome extension, and google docs add-on will check your copy for AP Style. ($70/year)
  • Grammarly — A site, mac app, chrome extension, etc. checks your copy for grammar mistakes and can help you find run-on sentences, complicated wording, and passive voice. (free with limited functionality. $140/year for premium)
  • HemingwayWebapp that highlights adverbs, lengthy, complex sentences, and common errors. A free alternative to Grammarly if your grammar is usually on point, and you need to tighten up your writing. 
  • OneLook’s reverse dictionary — Website and Google Docs add-on for when the word is on the tip of your tongue, but you can't remember it. This web app lets you type out a definition or idea you want to write and suggests a word.
  • Titles: Quote Marks, Italics, Underlining, or Naked? — Guide to dealing with titles of works in AP Style.

Disclaimer: I don’t own these resources, can’t vouch for the information on them, other than knowing they’ve been helpful to me. This page will be continually under construction as I discover more useful resources, so send me any suggestions you have, missing links, or outdated information using the email form.