
Is This the Peak of Peak Panic? Peak Chocolate, Peak Maple Syrup, & More

Discover, November 19 2010.


Chocoholics, be afraid. Be very afraid. Peak chocolate is coming.

Soon, humanity’s appetite for chocolate will increase to the point where there just isn’t enough chocolate in the world to sustain it. Researchers and chocolatiers the world over are predicting a chocolate peak within 20 years, John Mason, of the Nature Conservation Research Council told The Independent:

“In 20 years chocolate will be like caviar. It will become so rare and so expensive that the average Joe just won’t be able to afford it.” Read More >

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Climate & Environment, Discover magazine, Slideshow

USB Ports on New York City’s Streets: Plug in if You Dare

Discover, November 2 2010.

Would you connect your laptop to a random USB port installed on a wall on a city street? I don’t think I would, but Aram Bartholl, a German artist and architect currently residing in New York City, is betting that some people will be brave enough.

Bartholl explains the purpose of his new art installation on his website. Read More >

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Discover magazine, Slideshow, Technology & AI

Paint + Sound Waves + High Speed Cameras = Mind-Boggling Beauty

Discover, October 8 2010.

Who would think a printer would inspire such beautiful art?

A collaboration between the ad company Dentsu London, Canon printers, and photographer/biochemist Linden Gledhill created these “sound sculptures” which use high speed cameras to catch tiny droplets of paint as they splatter under the force of sound waves. The resulting videos were used in an ad that celebrates Canon printers’ color quality, but honestly, who cares what they’re selling when the images are so pretty. Read More >

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Discover magazine, Slideshow, Technology & AI

Green Living Meets Vertical Farming in Wacky “Edible House” Design

Discover, October 7 2010.

In our buzzword world we hear a lot about things like green living, but the architectural firm Rios Clementi Hale Studios wants to really bring the hype home. Spurred by a challenge from The Wall Street Journal to build the “Green House of the Future,” RCHS started designing the Incredible Edible House. They were so inspired by the idea that they continued working on the project, trying to bring the concept to reality.

In their press release, the company claims that “all technologies required to build the house currently exist,” and they are searching for a partner to build a full scale prototype and commercialize the pre-fabbed green house design. Read More >

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Climate & Environment, Discover magazine, Slideshow

The World’s Fastest Lawn Mower, a Fire-Throwing Bike, and More Bizarro Vehicles

Discover, September 30 2010.

Bobby Cleveland made history again today, as he stole his world record back from Don Wales by speeding across the Bonneville salt flats at an average of 96 miles per hour.

The record in question? Fastest land speed on a lawnmower (that can still cut grass). The pimped-out mower in question, called the 104+, is highly modified to reach extreme speeds. The team was initially aiming for over 100 miles per hour, Cleveland said in a video by Itnnews. Read More >

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Discover magazine, Slideshow, Technology & AI